Convert New Clients with These Facebook Ad Copy Templates

Convert New Clients with These Facebook Ad Copy Templates

Written by: Zach Johnson

If you've spent any time looking at Facebook ad templates, swipe files or scrolling through scores of ads you know that every Facebook ad has 3 major components:

  • An image
  • A link
  • Ad copy

You also know that this last component gives lots of business owners and Facebook advertisers the heebie-jeebies.

What do you say to convince people to click on your ad?

What is that “perfect” combination of words to convert a random person who sees your ad for the very first time into a loyal customer?

Fortunately for you, we can help.

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I didn't do anything to get my first client from the partner program.  FunnelDash handled everything from generating the lead, facilitating the initial discovery call, the follow up call, the on-boarding call, and even the payment collection.  It couldn't have been better!  Not to mention the client was SUPER impressed..

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We’re going to review how to write ad copy using one of 5 Facebook ad copy templates we've created for you.

Plus, you can download all 5 templates, so you can just plug them into your next lead-gen campaign, customize them a bit and hit “Publish.”

But first…

8 Important Tips About Writing Facebook Ad Copy

By the way, all of these tips go for writing your clients’ ad copy, as well as your own.

Tip #1: Answer Your Prospect’s Primary Question – What’s in it for Me? (WIIFM)

Regardless of what you’re selling, “What’s in it for me” is always the question your potential customer will ask.

Why should they care about your product?

What will it do for them?

How does it fulfill their deepest needs and desires?

(Do people actually ask themselves these questions? No. But it is what everyone asks, on a subconscious level.)

How do you do this?

Tip #2: Use Benefits-Driven Language

Most companies talk about the features of their products. Features include what the product does, its size or how much of the product you get.

That’s great, but it does nothing to answer the WIIFM question.

Every time you state a feature, include an immediate benefit and a deeper benefit.

Here’s an example from one of the Facebook ad copy templates you can download using the button above.

facebook-ad-template-benefits-driven language

You can see in this sentence where I’ve stated the feature; the report that shows your top 5 audiences.

The immediate benefit is what affects them as soon as they take action.

In this case, as soon as they opt into your Agency Messenger Funnel, the immediate benefit they will get is the information about their audiences, which they can use to improve their targeting.

The deeper benefit is their ultimate goal, which in this case is to get more customers.

That's how using benefits-driven language answers the WIIFM question.

Tip #3: Make Your Copy Relevant to Your Target Audience

If you’re targeting dentists, use language that dentists understand.

Please compare these two sentences:

“Need to get more open mouths sitting in your dental chair?”

“Want to get more clients into your practice?”

Which one do you think would appeal to dentists?

Obviously, the first one. It’s directed specifically at them.

The second sentence is still legit, but it’s not focused on dentists. Funnily enough, you could focus it on dentists, just by adding the word “dental” in front of “practice.”

You can see how easy it is to adjust copy to fit your targeted niche. Make sure you do that for every Facebook ad you put out there. You’ll drive more traffic to your website, landing page or Facebook messenger bot than if you put out an ad with general language, especially if you are targeting potential clients in a specific niche or industry.

If you’re running a lead-gen ad campaign and you don’t care what types of businesses respond, you can be more general, but don’t make it too general, or it won’t resonate with business owners who are running Facebook ads and need a new agency to help them manage their campaigns.

(FYI, that last sentence specifies your target audience. If you can figure that part out, you will always be able to write copy that resonates with your audience.)

Tip #4: Make Your Copy Sound Conversational

I can’t stress the importance of this enough.

If your copy sounds formal, weird or stilted when you read it out loud, it’s going to turn people off when they read it on your Facebook ad.

It doesn’t matter how “sophisticated” your audience is. The easier something is to read, the faster people will absorb the idea and take the action you’re telling them to take.

Go ahead and throw mud in the eye of your 5th grade English teacher and use the contractions she forbade. Write “it’s” or “you’re” instead of “it is” and “you are.”

Make the copy on your Facebook ad sound like something you’d say to a friend if they asked you what you do for clients. Or if they asked you about a client’s product or service.

The text should be easy for anyone to understand, even if they don’t know much about what you do. (I realize some of this flies in the face of Tip #3, but you can make them work together.)

Tip #5: Address Your Reader Directly with “You”

So many ads speak to “people in general.” That’s because most marketers think about writing their ads as though they’re being broadcast on the radio or television.

Facebook ads are not a broadcast medium.

The person looking at your Facebook ad is probably going to be sitting alone, staring at their phone or computer screen, possibly in their pajamas, in the middle of the night, looking for the perfect solution to whatever their current problem is. (In your case, it will be getting more customers into their business and driving more traffic to their website.)

Address them personally. Use what’s referred to as the 2nd person point of view in fiction writing, by saying “you.”

You’ll notice that I do that throughout this post. (See, I just did it again.) Do you feel like I’m speaking directly to you? That’s because I am.

Do this in your own ads, to connect with your potential clients and build familiarity and trust between you and them.

Tip #6: It’s Not About Your Company, It’s About Your Potential Client

So many agencies just talk about themselves, what they’ve done and all their accomplishments.

Guess what?

Your potential clients don’t care.

That’s because they’re always asking the WIIFM question.

If you’re going to insist on talking about your agency, phrase it with benefits driven language that shows how you can help that potential client increase their ROI. That’s what they want to know. And it’s all about them.

Tip #7: Use Words that Grab Attention

There are some standard words and phrases in marketing that will always grab people’s attention:

  • New
  • Free
  • Instantly
  • Exclusive
  • Now
  • Sale
  • Buy One Get One Free (or ½ Off)

You see these words all the time in marketing and on packaging. You know they attract attention. Use them in your ad copy.

Tip #8: Use Emotional Triggers

People buy for emotional reasons and rationalize their purchase to themselves afterward.

Right now, you’re probably saying, “Not me, I use logic and common sense when I make my purchases.” You go ahead and keep believing that if it makes you feel better.

The fact is, every good marketer knows people buy for emotional reasons, and they play on that.

You should too.

Phrases like:

  • Don’t miss out!
  • We understand…
  • I was in your shoes…
  • Don’t you hate it when…
  • If I had known then what I know now…

All of these phrases are designed to play on your emotions and get you take action, whether that’s buying a product or opting into a funnel.

Use them in your own copy to get your potential customers to convert.

If you want to see some good examples of digital marketing agencies using Facebook ads to promote themselves, check out this blog post.

Now that you understand more about the basics of writing Facebook ad copy, let’s review one of…

Our Facebook Ad Templates

We put these together because so many of you have said this is one of the parts of running Facebook ads that frustrates you.

“Writing Facebook ad copy is hard…”

Actually, it’s not. Especially when you adapt these templates to run Facebook ads for your own agency, or when you follow the formulas for each section I’m about to explain in your clients’ ads.

For every ad, you need the following copy:

  • Headline
  • Ad text
  • News feed link description
Facebook Ad Template Structure

I’m going to talk about each of these sections separately, so you know exactly what needs to go into them. I’ll use the copy from the first of the Facebook ad templates you can download here:

The Headline

In copywriting, this is generally the most important part of the copy. Copywriters agonize for hours over headlines and frequently write dozens of them before settling on one.

The headline is usually the very first impression a potential customer gets of your business, so it’s crucial to write something that keeps them reading.

Facebook ad headlines are a bit different. Here, the headline is not necessarily the first thing readers see. The headline is underneath the image and comes after the ad text.

It is still a very important part of your Facebook ad, because it’s one of the first places people look.

Your headline needs to do 3 things:

  • Attract the attention of the reader.
  • Intrigue them enough to keep them reading (in this case, they’ll read the News Feed Link Description below and/or the text above).
  • Spur them to take action.

Knowing this, Facebook gives you a few limitations.

You get about 25-30 characters, including spaces and punctuation. You can write more than that, but sometimes your headline will run off the “page” instead of letting the text wrap into the ad. If you’re going to write a longer headline, make sure it displays correctly.

The average Facebook ads headline is 5-7 words. You can do a lot with 5-7 words, so don’t panic.

For instance, this is the headline from the first of our templates:

Are Your Facebook Ads Actually Working?

That’s 6 words total.

It definitely grabs the reader's attention.

It plays off of the emotions of fear and uncertainty and will probably keep them reading, especially if their campaigns haven’t been getting the results they want lately. These are the clients you’re looking for, so the headline is well targeted.

Would you click on this ad? I would if I were in that situation.

How to Figure Out if Your Headline is “Good”

A great headline will always have at least 3 out of the 4 “U”s

It will be:

  • Urgent
  • Unique
  • Useful
  • Ultra-Specific

If you evaluate your headlines on these 4 characteristics, you should always end up with a “good” headline for your Facebook ads.

Let’s look at our current headline.

It is urgent. However, it’s a hidden urgency as opposed to an overt urgency. When I say “hidden” I mean that it does create a sense of panic in the reader, but it doesn’t give a specific deadline to create urgency.

It is not terribly unique. I’ve seen a lot of similar headlines. But that’s okay, it will still resonate with the audience it’s intended for.

It is useful. Business owners who run Facebook ads are always looking for ways to improve their ROI and will jump on “the next, best thing” to push them ahead of their competition.

It is relatively ultra-specific: I qualify this because a true ultra-specific headline would be, “Is Your Headline for Your Facebook Ad Campaign Targeting Dentists, Working?”

However, this headline has 2 “ultra-specific” features that I do want to point out. It specifies “Facebook ads” instead of just “ad campaigns.” It also speaks directly to the reader by using “Your,” specifying the reader’s Facebook ads. (Tip #5 in action.)

If I were to score this headline, I’d give it a 2.8 out of 4, which is a very good score for a headline. Anything above a 2.5 should perform well. 3 or above and you’re golden.

By the way, there are several excellent headline analyzers out there (with various scoring methods.). A few of my favorites are:

It's useful to run your headlines through one or two of these, but don't become obsessed with getting the "perfect score." Instead, use them to weed out the headlines that may not work well and test the ones that you think will resonate with your audience. (More about testing further down in this blog post.)

Ad Text

Here’s the weird thing about Facebook ads in my opinion; The ad text comes before the headline. So, your text is really doing all the hard work a headline normally does (unless you omit the text, which you can do.)

Much like your headline, your ad text needs to:

  • Attract the attention of the reader.

  • Keep them reading.

  • Compel them to take action (in this case, clicking on your link).

With ad text, you have the freedom to write as much, or as little text as you want to. However, the first 40-90 characters are all a reader will see. After that, readers get the “See More…” tag and they have to click on it to keep reading.

Use those first few sentences to really draw your reader in. Hit on those pain points and show that you have a solution.

Here’s our ad text copy from the first template:


Do you have any idea how your Facebook ads are doing?


Find out right now when you sign up for Superb Agency’s free Instant Audit.

We’ll send you a report that shows your top 5 audiences, so you can improve your targeting and get more customers.

Once you’ve received your free report, sign up for a full Facebook ads audit. We’ll do a thorough review of your account and find more audiences, as well as the best devices and times of day to show ads for your business.

Click on the link below to get your free Facebook Ads Audit now.


When you read the first 3 sentences, you are presented with a problem (you don’t really know how your Facebook ads are doing) and a solution to that problem (get a free Instant Audit.) (And yes, I made that agency name up. You’ll want to fill your agency’s name in there if you use this template.)

As you keep reading, you can see what you’ll get and how it will benefit your business. Not only will you get that immediate and deeper benefit mentioned in Tip #2, you’ll also get a Facebook ads audit.

The copy here will interest people who want what you’re offering, presents a clear call to action  and should get them into and through your Agency Messenger Funnel.

It also follows the standard AIDA pattern:

  • Attracting the reader’s Attention
  • Piquing their Interest
  • Making them Desire what you have to offer
  • Compelling them to take Action

AIDA is a very effective writing formula, whether you’re writing copy for yourself or your clients.

News Feed Link Description

This is really an extension of the ad text, even though it’s below the headline.

Facebook gives you 200 characters, including spaces and punctuation for this copy.

Most of the copy in this section is very short and either reiterates the message in the ad text or acts as an additional call to action to get people to click on the link. This copy can be longer but check it in your ad preview to make sure it isn’t cut off.

The copy from our Facebook ads template is:

“Get your top 5 audiences delivered to you via Messenger, instantly.”

It reiterates the offer and tells you how you’ll receive the Instant Audit (which isn’t in the ad text in this copy template.)

You could get away with just the headline and this News Feed Link Description in your ad if you really wanted to. However, I think the ad text makes the ad much more compelling.

The Rest of the Facebook Ad Templates

There are 4 more ad copy templates available to you when you click on the button below.

We’ve included copy for 2 more “general” Facebook ad templates, as well as one that offers a specific practice or service type.

There are shorter and longer ads, so you have some variety.

We also wrote copy for a remarketing style Facebook ad template, so you can retarget the people who clicked on your ad but didn’t make it all the way through your sequence to schedule an appointment with you to get their free Facebook ads audit.

You should also follow up with these leads via email. To help you out, we wrote a blog post all about the perfect email sequence to use to get these people to sign up.

Using the Facebook Ad Templates

As you’re going through these templates, make sure you review the copy carefully and change it, so it fits your agency’s voice and tone. These are meant to be a starting point, not necessarily your final product.

Don’t just copy and paste these templates and fill in the blanks. Make them your own. They’ll be more effective, you’ll get better results and get more leads. (Look, benefits-driven language.)

You want your agency to stand out from the crowd. Take some time and personalize the copy in these templates so they express what makes your agency different from your competition. Doing this upfront will make your ads more eye catching and get more leads to click through to your Agency Messenger Funnel.

If you'd like to see some more examples so you can make the language in these templates your own, I recommend checking out the Swipe File from our FunnelDash User Community. We also have blog posts for those of you in the real estate, e-commerce, SaaS company, and course creator niches.

Test Your Copy

As you’re using these templates:

  • Test variations of the text in each template (especially the headlines)
  • Test these templates against each other
  • Test using more general phrases against language geared toward specific niches

This will narrow them down to the most effective ones, then you can scale those Facebook ads to grow your lead list.

For more information on how to run a proper creative test, check out this blog post.

And, of course, use the FunnelDash Creative Testing Dashboard to track your results.

Tell Us About Your Agency Messenger Funnel and Lead-Gen Ad Campaign

Let us know how these Facebook ad templates work for you. We want to know which ones you used and what kinds of results you got. Share your results in the comments. We may contact you and use you as a case study for another blog post.

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