Your digital marketing agency needs a new influx of clients. (This is a constant problem that you want to fix. We’ve got the solution for you.) There are hundreds of coaches and consultants out there who want someone to run their Facebook ad campaigns.
Coaches and consultants would much rather spend their time working with their own clients. They don’t want the hassle of running their own Facebook ad campaigns.
This is an easy niche for you to break into, if you’ve never run ads for coaches and consultants before. If you’ve had experience in coaching or consulting, it will be even easier.
The nice thing about coaching and consulting clients is, their funnels are usually pretty simple. Most coaches and consultants want to get new clients in their doors. You don’t have a lot of upsells, downsells or complicated funnel paths to contend with.
However, the first thing you must do is get some of these clients for yourself.
Set Up Your Own Client Lead-Gen Funnel
This is also a fairly simple funnel. We recommend using one of FunnelDash’s Agency Funnels to get started. These are structured to bring in a steady stream of leads for you to convert into new clients.
The first thing any good funnel needs is a reason for someone to opt-in. In your case, this will be a free Facebook ads audit. This lets you see behind a potential client’s “virtual curtain” so you know what they’re doing now and how you can improve their results going forward.
That is the key to your success, when it comes to converting potential clients into high-paying contracts. The information you get from a potential client’s Facebook ads audit lets you prove your value to them up front and show that you’re as invested in their success as they are.
Start by choosing one of FunnelDash’s Funnel Triggers as an entry point for potential clients:
- Direct Link
- Messenger Button
- Facebook Messenger Ad
- Keyword Trigger

Once you’ve customized the trigger of your choice to fit your agency, you’ll want to build a Messenger sequence to attach it to. This delivers a series of messages to your potential clients to guide them toward scheduling their free Facebook ads audit.
Using a Facebook Messenger Funnel to collect new leads makes automating the process very easy. You can set the whole thing up in minutes. Your leads have a more interactive experience, which can make them more likely to say “yes” to your audit.
If you set your Facebook Pages app to notify you whenever someone responds to your Messenger sequence during “normal business hours” you can jump into the conversation yourself if they have questions, or if you want to deliver a more personal touch.
Your Messenger sequence does double duty.
- It gives new leads a positive impression of your agency.
- It prequalifies leads so you’re conducting Facebook ad audits for potential customers who are actually interested in having you run Facebook ad campaigns for them.
Here’s what a Messenger sequence will look like for your potential leads:

And here’s what the full sequence will look like on your end:

Once your Agency Funnel is complete and ready to accept new leads, you’ll be able to follow up with them as quickly as they come in.
You can purchase this pre-made Coaching and Consulting lead generation sequence, along with many others, inside the FunnelDash app.
Now that your Agency Funnel is set up, it will need a steady stream of traffic to handle for you.
Here are 3 ways you can drive traffic to your Agency Funnel:
- Send an email to every coach and consultant you know to offer them your free Facebook ad audit. Check out this post for inspiration on what to write.
- Find and contact coaches and consultants who you see running Facebook ad campaigns. You can figure out who is running a campaign by going to their Facebook page and clicking on the “Visit Ad Center” tab at the bottom of the left-hand menu.

- Run your own Facebook ad campaigns to promote your agency.
Let’s face it, if you’re claiming you can run someone else’s Facebook ad campaigns, you ought to be able to run your own, right? The best way to do that is to show your campaign-running prowess to your target audience.
Create an Ad to Promote Your Agency
Because you’re targeting coaches and consultants, you want your ad to appeal directly to them and the problems they face.
Your ad will probably look something like this:

This ad uses the Send Message button. Setting up your ad as a Messenger ad ensures that all leads will end up in your Messenger sequence, where they can sign up for your free Facebook ad audit.
It is always a good idea to test your creative to find the ad that resonates best with your target audience. We have some sound advice on testing your creative here.
Find Your Target Audience
Obviously, your target audience will be coaches and consultants. My target audience here is quite broad, just to show what is out there. However, you can narrow down by types of coaches and consultants, as well as organizations of coaches and consultants as interests.

If you know that you want to target fitness coaches, make sure you include that job title and interest. Same for business coaches, wellness coaches, management consultants, etc.
When you target a specific group of coaches and consultants make sure your ad copy reflects this, so you’re addressing them specifically. I would also recommend changing the image in the ad to show a specific coach or consultant niche if you’re focusing on something specific.
Use the Suggestions option to find as many demographics, interests or behaviors as you want to add to your targeting.

Determine your budget and hit Publish to queue your ad up for approval.
Remember the 20% rule for text on Facebook ad images to avoid having your ad rejected.
Follow Up with New Leads
As your leads start coming in, follow up with them to make sure they’ve scheduled their Facebook ad audit if they don’t do it right away.

Once you’ve got approval and access to a potential client’s Facebook ad account, conduct the Facebook ad audit. We’ve laid out the entire process for you so it won’t take you long to catch on.
Once you’ve captivated a potential client with your expertise, charm and wit, all you have to do is get them to sign the retainer for your Facebook ad management services and you’ll have a new, high-paying client.
Who will now want you to bring them more customers.
Here’s how you do that…
Running Facebook Ad Campaigns for Your New Coaching and Consulting Clients
Now that they are paying you well, your coaching and consulting clients will want to see results.
The most common lead generation funnel for coaching and consulting clients involves a lead magnet.
The standard funnel path is:
Facebook ad --> Landing page --> Opt-in -->Lead magnet delivery --> Email follow-up sequence
You can follow this exact pattern and put together a very successful funnel.
However, since you have a FunnelDash account (you do have a FunnelDash account, right? If not, we offer a 14-day free trial.)
As I was saying, since you have a FunnelDash account, you can set up a lead generation Messenger sequence for your client.
Having a simple, repeatable way to serve your clients will save you a lot of time, hassle and expense as you take on more clients.
Here is how you build a lead generation Messenger sequence for a coaching or consulting client.
Identify a Good Lead Magnet with Your Client
Inevitably, your client will have some sort of process they go through with their clients that can easily be distilled into a 3 to 5-step system that can fit on a page or two, with graphics and formatting.
Your client may already have such a thing lying around. It’s always worth asking.
Whatever this lead magnet is, it should be something they use regularly in their work. You want their leads to associate this method with your client. If they’re expressing interest in what your client is offering, they will expect more information and some correlation to this piece if they sign up for a session.
Now that you’ve got this piece of your funnel in place, it’s time to figure out who will be interested in it.
Target Your Client’s Audience
For this blog post, I randomly chose a business coach.
You will need to customize your client’s campaign to their particular niche and the audience they serve. What follows is the basic framework you can use for setting up Facebook ad campaigns but there are so many different types of coaches and consultants out there, we can’t create the “perfect” template for your specific client.
For my business coach, I started with that term. Then I used the “Suggestions” feature to find other interests, behaviors and demographics.
You will need to discuss your client’s target audience with them so you can get as specific as you need to, to find the right leads for them.

The above example should give you an idea of how you can set up targeting for your client’s Facebook ad campaigns. Make sure to ask whether your client has specific competitors or similar thought leaders in their niche that they’d like to include in their targeting.
Create Your Lead Generation Ad
The first campaign you will run will be for prospecting. This ad will offer your client’s lead magnet to their target audience.
Your ad should include a picture of your client and a short explanation of what someone will get if they click on the “Learn More” button.
When you’re done, it will probably look similar to this.

Most coach and consultant ads opt for the single image format. I have seen a few that have done a carousel. A lot more of them are running video ads, so they can retarget watchers based on how long they stayed on the video.
Talk to your client about what they want to do and how they want to present themselves, then work with them to find the best options.
Make sure you test images, ad copy and ad types to see what gets the best results for your client using the information found in our post on creative testing.
Build Your Opt-In Sequence and Attach Your Lead Magnet
The goal of this sequence is to get a person’s email address and deliver the lead magnet you’re offering. The sequence message should also establish how often a new lead will hear from your client via email. (Once a day, once a week, once a month, whatever their normal email cadence may be.)
We’ve built a Coaching and Consulting Client Opt-In Messenger sequence template for you inside FunnelDash for this purpose. You can purchase it, along with dozens of others, to use for your client’s Facebook ad campaigns.

As new leads for you client come in, you can export them from your FunnelDash account and deliver them as a CSV file so your client can add them to their CRM or ESP. There is also a Zapier integration available. You can find it in the Settings section of your FunnelDash account.
From there, your client can add them to an email nurturing sequence, then send emails according to the cadence you added to their Opt-In Sequence.
Running Remarketing Facebook Ad Campaigns
There will be people who click on your client’s ad but decide not to give their email address. It’s inevitable.
You can run a remarketing campaign to give these folks another chance to opt into your client’s lead magnet and get on their email list. You can also promote the offer for a free 30-minute consultation (or whatever your client offers).
For that matter, if your client has a webinar or course they want to promote, an audience that is already familiar with them is far more likely to convert than an audience who has no idea who they are.
Make sure you upload all the contacts your client received from their lead magnet campaign into Facebook to create a custom audience. You can create lookalike audiences based off of that audience. Another good option is to target coaches and consultants in the same field who may be better known.
There are lots of options for running retargeting campaigns for your client, which means you’ll keep them as a client for as long as you continue to do a good job getting a positive ROI for them.
Get the Assets You Need to Run Facebook Ad Campaigns for Your Coaching and Consulting Clients
Here at FunnelDash, we’re all about your success. When you succeed, we succeed, and we know we’re doing our jobs right.
Therefore, I’ve created a Coaching and Consulting Client Campaign Kit for you, which includes:
- The Facebook ads created for this post, so you can use them as references for your own campaigns.
- The images used in these ads, so you can use them in your own ads.
- The audience targeting images above, so you can reference them as you create the audiences for your own lead gen campaign, and for your client’s Facebook ad campaigns.
- A screenshot of each of the Messenger sequences I created for this post, so you can see how they work.
Click on the button below to get your Coaching and Consulting Client Campaign Kit and get new clients into your agency so you can run their Facebook ad campaigns. Then, you can either sign up for a 14-day free trial of FunnelDash or log into your FunnelDash account to deploy this lead generation campaign for your agency so you can get new clients in the door.