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Get Clients Like Clockwork for Your Facebook Marketing Agency with our New Agency Messenger Funnels

Written by: Zach Johnson

FunnelDash 1.0 gave the Facebook marketing agency owner, the ability to use data-driven Facebook ad audits to show your value to prospective customers. Selling with data lets you differentiate yourself from your competition and creates a stronger, high-value sales process.

FunnelDash 2.0 is all about helping you get more leads into your agency. Which is why we’ve created our new Agency Messenger Funnels to help you get more leads in the door.


Clients like clockwork facebook agency

Messenger is quickly becoming the new up and coming marketing tool.

According to Business Insider, more people are now using messaging apps, than are using social networks. They’re using these apps to do everything from chat with friends to interact with brands, shop and engage with content.

This opens up a great opportunity for your agency to get new clients via Facebook Messenger. It’s available to collect leads and interact with them day and night. And you can contact these new leads through Messenger, including having live conversations with them, once they’ve opted into your funnel.

Here’s how it works.

Your Potential Lead’s Point of View:

Your Agency Messenger Funnel starts with a Facebook ad.

Your ad should target businesses in your area who are looking for a Facebook marketing agency to run ad campaigns for them.

As soon as potential clients click on your ad, they’ll be taken to Messenger, where they’ll see an invitation to get a free Facebook ads audit.

Messenger Funnel Facebook Agency

When your potential client clicks on the “Yes” button, you can invite them to share their Facebook ad account information so you can review their account.

To do this, just go into your FunnelDash account and click on the Audit Request button in the Dashboards section.

Audit request facebook agency

This will take you to the Audit Request tool, which is exclusive to FunnelDash.

The Audit Request tool lets you send a unique link to your potential client that they can use to give you access to their Facebook ad account. This link gives them the ability to limit the amount of time you have access to the data in their account.

You will be able to view their account data, but not change anything, once they grant you permission.

Audit Link Facebook Marketing Agency

Enter your name and a short message letting your potential client know why you’re making this request. There is boilerplate copy in the Message box but feel free to customize it to your agency.

Send the link to your potential client as part of your Messenger sequence.

When your potential client clicks on the link, they’ll see this page:

Request Page 1 Facebook Marketing Agency

As soon as they click on the “Add” button, they’ll be given a list of their available accounts. Using a dropdown menu, they’ll be able to choose the amount of time they give you access to a given account.

If for any reason, they decide they need to cancel your access, they’ll be able to do so by this same link. (But you will wow them with your ads audit prowess, so they’ll never want to do so.)

Request Page 2 Facebook Marketing Agency

Once you’ve been granted access to their Facebook ad account, you’ll be able to view their information in the FunnelDash dashboards.

Next, they’ll be taken to your scheduling app where they can make an appointment with you. (We use Calendly. You can link to whichever app you use. If you don’t have one, there is a good list of them in this post.) 

As soon as your potential client has scheduled their Facebook ad audit, you can start your Facebook Ads Analysis Audit.

FunnelDash automatically pulls all of your potential client’s account information into an easy-to-understand Facebook Ads Audit dashboard. You’ll see all the information you need to give them recommendations on how to improve their current campaigns and make suggestions for future ones.

For more information on conducting a Facebook ads audit, check out this blog post.

Audience Audit Facebook Marketing Agency

Now, you can go through their current campaigns and find ways to improve their ROI immediately, proving your value upfront and showing that you understand what matters to them. This alone will separate you from your competition, most of whom stumble through client consultations by making claims of results they can’t actually produce.

Proving your value like this will make your potential clients much more likely to sign that $2,000 a month retainer contract you propose. Once you start using the Agency Messenger Funnels, you’ll start converting clients like this on a regular basis, which means you’ll reach that 7-figure mark that much sooner.

Now that you’ve seen how the new Agency Messenger Funnel works, here’s where you find them and what you can do with them.

Using Messenger Funnels to Get High-Quality Leads for Your Facebook Marketing Agency

Inside the FunnelDash app, choose “Funnels” from the top dropdown on the menu at the left side of the screen.

First Menu Facebook Marketing Agency

To create your first funnel, click on the red “Create Funnel” button on the left-side menu.

Funnel Menu Facebook Marketing Agency

You will see all the different funnel types available to you.

Funnels Screen Facebook Marketing Agency

As you can see, you have a wide variety of funnels to choose from.

We designed these to be flexible and useful to you, so you can collect leads from as many places as possible.

For instance:

  • The Direct Link can be added to your email signature or into any other documentation, print or digital, that your agency releases.

  • You can add the Send to Messenger button to a blog post, a landing page or your home page.

  • You can run an ad directly to the Landing Page funnel.

  • The Page Takeover, Smart Bar, Page PopUp and Slide In Funnels can all be added to your website, or to any web page you have control of.

  • The Messenger QR Code can be printed on your business card or you can have it available on your phone or tablet at conferences and networking events.

  • The Keyword Trigger lets you start a conversation with anyone in Messenger, whether you’re running an ad or contacting someone directly. All the respondent has to do is type in the correct keyword and your response sequence is triggered automatically.

Each of these funnels will connect to a Messenger sequence which you can customize to your own needs.

Ad Sequences Facebook Marketing Agency

Our two templated sequences are designed to help you get clients.

The first sequence will pre-qualify potential clients for you, so you know whether they would be a good fit for your agency.

The second sequence will let you offer special Facebook ad funding to potential clients so you can run their ads without financial risk to you and so they can acquire a large chunk funding for their marketing without selling a portion of their company to a venture capital fund.

Please note: Both you and they must prequalify for this funding. Find out more about Fund My Ads here.

The custom sequence gives you the freedom to craft your own Messenger system to use as follow up, initial contact, create a client Messenger flow or whatever you choose to do.

Our Messenger app lets you build a conversation with a potential client for yourself, or customer of your client’s with ease, adding in delays, etc. as needed.

You’ll be able to monitor these conversations and take them live, so you can nurture your leads and convert them easily, using personalized messages that resonate with your intended audience.

Sequence Facebook Marketing Agency

Only FunnelDash gives you the ability to convert new clients and audit their accounts, right inside our app. You’d need to use two, possibly three different apps to make this work any other way.

Plus, you’ll see a list of your subscribers inside FunnelDash. Another tool we offer is that you can create custom audiences of the people who have opted into your funnels so you can continue to market to them, as needed.

This tool is particularly useful when you’re running funnels for your clients, as you can run remarketing ads and Messenger sequences directly to their subscribers.

Audiences Facebook Marketing Agency

FunnelDash Gives You The Tools You Need to Get Quality Leads and Convert Them Into High-Paying Facebook Ad Clients for Your Marketing Agency

We built FunnelDash because we understand how much time and effort Facebook marketing agencies put into running campaigns and creating reports for clients. We also understand how much effort it takes to get a new client.

This latest release is designed to make the entire process simpler, easier and more streamlined so you can focus on getting clients who pay you well for what you do. Which then gives you more time to do the things you love, as you have to work less and can make more, doing what you love.

The video below will walk you through the entire process. (This is the same video that's on our Home page.)

Now that you've seen what FunnelDash can do, check out our latest Facebook Messenger Tool release for yourself. Start your 14-day free trial of FunnelDash today and get everything you need to start bringing quality leads into your Facebook marketing agency, so you can turn them into high-ticket clients.

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