Recently, a FunnelDash customer brought our white label marketing team a fitness client. This client had done some Facebook advertising, but this was not a huge account. And their budget was also fairly modest.
Our team was able to get fantastic results for them using an unusual strategy for their remarketing campaign.
A Straight Sale Funnel
The standard funnel formula these days is to start with some sort of lead magnet or opt-in bribe, then send an email follow-up sequence directing subscribers to the sales page.
This client was a bit unconventional in that they went for the sale straight away.
Their ads went right to a sales page for a $60 fitness course. There were several upsells and downsells on the back end of the funnel which contributed to the overall profitability of this campaign. These included dietary guides, recipe planners and other fitness related small products.
In addition, there were reminders sent for smaller, easy entry sales someone could try if they didn’t opt in right away.
Audience Targeting and Creative
As mentioned, this client hadn’t done a lot of Facebook ad campaigns previous to this. Our white label marketing team had to make sure their audiences paid attention to these ads in an environment that can be oversaturated.
First, our team targeted the audiences of a lot of other fitness influencers, as these audiences would be interested in the product this client was offering.
Second, our team normally prefers large audiences for their campaigns. This time, they targeted audiences with less than 2 million people. This client wanted high-quality audiences who were more likely to convert.
They didn’t want to go through the trouble of educating new people, they wanted people who were already interested in what this client had to offer and would be willing to say, “Yes” right away.
This request from the client did make new traffic a bit more expensive, but our white label marketing team still remained a 1.1% conversion rate, despite this fact.
This also affected the creative they used for this campaign.
With smaller audiences comes the risk of ad fatigue. People start ignoring ads when they’ve seen them too many times.
Our white label marketing team requested several eye-catching videos they could change out every 7 days to keep interest high.
This tactic garnered high click-through rates throughout the 2 month campaign.
Normally, Facebook goes after the low-hanging fruit when it comes to campaigns optimized for purchase, which makes the cost of traffic go higher as you “climb the tree” of likely customers. Changing out the videos regularly kept the CPM costs stable and reduced audience ad fatigue.

The Unusual Tactic Our White Label Marketing Team Used that Made This Campaign a Success
Normally when you retarget an audience, they see the same dynamic product ads over and over. This is why that ad for the shoes you looked at seem to follow you everywhere on Facebook.
In this case, the small audiences our team was targeting would have caused a negative result, if people kept seeing those same ads over and over.
For the retargeting campaign, our white label marketing team chose the “Reach” objective, which lets you determine how many people you want to reach for a specific price.
This gave them more control over when people see ads and how often they see them. It may have made the campaign more expensive, but it meant our team could cater to the customer journey instead of just randomly bombarding people with ads.
Since the prospecting campaign was based on videos, the team retargeted anyone who had watched 75% of the original videos with offers. They set up a sequence that hit people at intervals of 3, 6, 9 and 12 days out from the original ad. (Most people don’t convert after 14 days on Facebook.)
This was an unconventional approach, but it worked.
Using the Reach objective was the most cost-effective method available, considering the low volume they had in Add-to-Cart purchases.
And when you consider the results they got; it was definitely worth doing.

The Results
Our white label marketing team ran this campaign for 2 months.
During that time, they spent $1,609.94 on ads and made $6,961.11 in Standard Purchase Event Revenue.
They got 1,435 link clicks which cost $1.12 per click and they made $4.85 per click in revenue.
They had 124 Standard Add to Cart Events. Of those, 101 converted to Standard Purchase Events, mostly because of using the Reach objective for the retargeting campaign. That’s a remarkable conversion rate.
The Cost per Standard Purchase Event was $15.94. The Revenue per Standard Purchase Event was $68.92.
The client was thrilled with the unconventional retargeting tactics and the results. You can see those results for yourself below.

Get Results Like These When You Work with Our White Label Marketing Team on Your Next Client Campaign
A campaign like this isn’t just for fitness clients. It could also be used for info marketers, course creators or anyone who has a 1-page sales funnel.
When you work with our white label marketing team, you can use this case study as an example of the results you can get for potential clients.
To make this even easier, we’ve created the Ecommerce Course Campaign Kit so you can target clients like this for your agency.
The kit includes a PDF of the dashboard results above and a Facebook ad template you can use and adapt for your agency’s voice and brand. It also includes a screenshot of the Ecommerce Course Lead Gen Messenger sequence template you can purchase inside FunnelDash to target these clients and deliver the PDF for this campaign.
Don’t have a FunnelDash account? You can sign up for a free 14-day trial and use this campaign to get a new client in the fitness, course or info marketing niches.
Click on the button below to get the Ecommerce Course Campaign Kit now. Then register for your free 14-day trial of FunnelDash, or log into your current account to set this campaign up and start generating leads right away.