3 Steps You Must Take to Gain the Confidence You Need to Get Your First High-Ticket Client

Written by: Melanie Tvete

I don’t deserve to be here…

It must have been a mistake…

I don’t belong…

I’m going to be found out…


Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, on a call, or in a room where you have said this to yourself?

Maybe you are a course junkie, feeling like you lack the knowledge, and are therefore constantly looking the solution that will solve the problem you currently facing.

Perhaps you have the knowledge but are still struggling to take action despite all the knowledge you have.  

Maybe you deflect the complements and kind words that are being given by discounting your talents and attributing it to the something else outside of your control.

Perhaps you block the success of others by saying, “That’s easy for them to say. My situation is different.”

I hear you, I see you. You are not alone.

"Even though I really wanted (to run my own consulting business), I was afraid. I thought, 'Well, what if I don't get the results they want and they get mad? How does that all work?' "
                                         - Zach Johnson, Agency Growth Workshop

I have spent the last 2 years as FunnelDash's main support contact. I've been the person you've emailed with, chatted with and who has created all the support documents you've read.

At FunnelDash, we do our best to provide all the resources and assistance we can to help you get the proper information, in order to perform a successful audit or audit consultation, like these:

Clients like clockwork facebook agency

Despite providing the necessary knowledge and weekly support calls, there are still some who struggle to take action they need in order to get the clarity they desire. As the person supporting you, I could see the solution and it’s right there… just past the fear and self-doubt and right on the other side of taking action.

“Your business is a direct reflection of who you are being.”
James Wedmore

Fear is the saboteur that is holding you back from being happy and successful. Fear can be a good thing as it is deeply connected with our need to survive. But if you give fear too much control it has the power to haunt you. It will sabotage your self-esteem and self-confidence. It will stop you dead in your tracks, feeling stuck and unable to move.

When fear has a strong grip it shows up as waiting, doubting, holding back, staying silent, feeling insecure, avoiding, worry, anxiety, overthinking. You start to feel like an impostor or fraud. In other words you are suffering from Impostor Syndrome.  

Now to be clear you are not actually a “fraud” or “impostor” as you are not intending to deliberately deceive others but rather you suffer from a persistent inability to believe that your success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved by you own efforts or skills.

Impostor Syndrome is a Serious Issue and as Entrepreneurs, We Need to Get a Handle On It! 

Don’t believe me? Do a quick google search you can see that there are countless of articles written about this topic.

There are a ton podcasts and videos from well known online influencers dedicated to topics specific to the problems that Impostor Syndrome causes as well.

These are just a few that I’ve listened to.

It’s a big deal and so many entrepreneurs and high achievers struggle with Impostor Syndrome as well. It’s more common than you think. Entrepreneur.com compiled a list of 12 Leaders, Entrepreneurs and Celebrities Who Have Struggled With Imposter Syndrome. Even Michelle Obama said "I still have a little [bit of] impostor syndrome, it never goes away”.

If you have read this far, I would be willing to bet your inner impostor is starting to kick in right about now and say something like this, “That’s great but I’m not them. I haven’t achieved the level of success they have. I’m just one person trying to run a business and find my way in the world.”

Don’t Let Your Inner Impostor Fool You

Let me tell you, I’ve been there. I’ve experienced it myself. To this day, these thoughts can creep up when I least expect it. 

  • I know I can help… but who?

  • I don’t deserve that compliment. It was just luck, or good timing

  • How can I stand out in the crowd of people offering a similar service? I am offering the same thing!

  • Why would anyone choose to hire me?

  • Why on earth do I think I can do this?

I struggle to make decisions and take action in order to move forward. Of course very few people know about it as I typically try to keep it as my little secret. But when you keep it a secret, that’s how impostor syndrome can get such a good grip on you.

It is most prevalent when the desire to make a change is strong and an opportunity has presented itself. I can speak from personal experience that the stress, anxiety and over all struggles that fear, self-doubt, and self-sabotage bring are real!

Feelings of being an impostor are normal. We are human… It's how you handle these feelings of being an impostor and the challenges it can bring, that matters. It’s about being conscious of when you are short-changing yourself and the actions you choose to take in order to disrupt that pattern.

  • Choosing to do something despite the fear and self doubt.  

  • Remembering why you choose to be an entrepreneur in the first place.

  • Focusing on who you are helping and serving and lead from your heart.

“Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation that you don’t belong. Because you will always find it. “
                                                                                          – Brené Brown

As an entrepreneur, you are consistently challenging yourself in order to following your dreams. Entrepreneurship provides you the opportunity to be in control of your future and to have the freedom to work when and where you want. But you can only have this if you are able to control and tame your inner impostor.

The longer you hide behind the fear and feelings of being “found out”, the greater the pain you will suffer and the more you will feel like you’re being weight down. So, you must make a decision and choose to do something about it.  

When I feel stuck there are a handful of techniques I use to kick the reset button and realign myself with my vision, mission and over all goals. One of them is to reflect and take inventory of where I am at mentally, emotional, as well as the actions I am taking and the people I am surrounding myself with. The key is to recognize when your head, heart, emotions and action are out of alignment.  

Every time I need to pick myself back up again in order to move forward I find that it is important to get my thoughts flowing in the right direction and start believing what is possible again instead of focusing on what isn’t.   

Here is a Short, 3-Step Exercise to Help You Start Moving Forward When You Feel Stuck


What have you unknowingly or knowingly decided you cannot do?

Is there something you are afraid of?

Acknowledge your fear and negative emotions!  Write them down.


Imagine the what it would be like if you were to crush it?  

Flip the script!

Seriously! Write it down.  

Challenge the negative statement and then replace the negative by flipping the script and restating it in a positive way. Write down the same basic statement only in the positive form.


Read the what you just wrote aloud and start taking action! Start showing up how you need to in order to create the business you want!

“Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to require the most from you. Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?”
                                                                                      – Caroline Myss

As an entrepreneur, you are giving yourself a little bit of self-love every day by challenging yourself, following your dreams, and not stuffing yourself into an ill-fitting “corporate career” box.

Many believe that the right tools, the right information, and a little bit of luck and your business will  grow. But I challenge that idea and say that there is one key ingredient missing… YOU!

What is it that makes YOU different?

What is YOUR unique value proposition?

What specifically do YOU offer?   

If people aren't clear about who you are and what you offer, it could cost you your ideal clients (who don't even know that you CAN help them) and income (when your ideal clients choose to work with someone else!)

The Audit Consultation process is the perfect way to blend your current experience and knowledge as a way to set yourself apart from other Facebook Ad Managers and prove your worth.

If you haven’t done an Audit Consultation what’s stopping you? Is your agency funnel set up so you can get new leads to sign up for one? Are you running Facebook ads so you can practice on your own account? The best way to gain confidence and learn the technique is by doing.

Stop letting your inner imposter stand in the way of getting your first (or next) high-ticket client. Join Empower YOU: A 5-day challenge to jumpstart your confidence!

This challenge is designed especially for you, the entrepreneur, who is following your heart in order to make a significant impact on your customers’ lives.

“A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway. “ 
                                                                                – Christopher Reeve

Come join me for Join Empower YOU: A 5-day challenge to jumpstart your confidence where we will squash self-doubt and boost your self-confidence in order to find the voice and the hero within.

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